Thoughts on Asian-American male identity

I scoured the web looking for blogs that capture the asian-american male identity. Most are about how to have better game, to make money or to network. That doesn't seem like anything that I get boiled down to, so I thought I would write my own. If you don't see something you like, make a positive change. So I am writing about my experiences and thoughts. I in no way expect to be comprehensive, but maybe I will at least add to the dialogue.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The case for Mr. Good Enough

Dr. Gottlieb, who happens to be a graduate from my medical school wrote a great article in the Atlantic leading up to the release of her book.  The link to the article is here.  I think it puts the most succinct rebuttal to the myth of sex and the city.  I admit I have seen my fair share of Carrie Bradshaw (but that's another story entirely).

What she describes is that as women mature, their tastes in men and their wants out of life mature.  The deal breakers of today aren't the deal breakers of tomorrow.  And though some women call that "settling" in the present, it really takes a lot of insight to be able to look past the winsome wants or dislikes of today.  Men and women did not evolve to be living until our 80's like we frequently do today and our reproductive capacity drops off after a certain age -- true more in women than in men.  But I agree that as I approach the tender age of 30 and it looms ever nearer, I see my female friends going into a panic.  Now I am not advocating to settle for unhealthy relationships, but "real relationships" not Hollywood concocted fantasies/farces of a relationship. 

I find myself not wanting to waste women's time or my own if I don't think it's going to work out.  I think this article really addressed the 800-pound gorilla sitting in the room amongst my 30-year old female friends.

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