Thoughts on Asian-American male identity

I scoured the web looking for blogs that capture the asian-american male identity. Most are about how to have better game, to make money or to network. That doesn't seem like anything that I get boiled down to, so I thought I would write my own. If you don't see something you like, make a positive change. So I am writing about my experiences and thoughts. I in no way expect to be comprehensive, but maybe I will at least add to the dialogue.

Monday, July 5, 2010

How I ended up in Chicago

I guess to add some credence to me being a real person and that I am writing about something real, I thought I should share a little about myself.  Give and take I guess.

Well, I was born in our nation's capital, Washington, DC.  I grew up in the typical suburban lifestyle.  I had culturally mixed parents so I was brought up "American" whatever that was.  Since then, I have lived in Boston, the SF Bay Area, and now Chicago.  I am a surgeon/doctor and until recently was doing a long-distance relationship to my Vietnamese girlfriend in Los Angeles.  That didn't work out... so here I am.

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