Thoughts on Asian-American male identity

I scoured the web looking for blogs that capture the asian-american male identity. Most are about how to have better game, to make money or to network. That doesn't seem like anything that I get boiled down to, so I thought I would write my own. If you don't see something you like, make a positive change. So I am writing about my experiences and thoughts. I in no way expect to be comprehensive, but maybe I will at least add to the dialogue.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Quantity does not ensure quality

Vector image of two human figures with hands i...Image via Wikipedia
So a few days ago, I went to my first speed dating event through dateanddash.  Over the course of 2 hours I went on 14 mini-dates that each lasted 5 minutes.  Overall, it was pretty fun.  5 minutes goes by pretty quickly.  You barely get to chat and then it's over.  A couple drinks before made it also rather entertaining.  I went into it thinking, "hey I don't need to impress anyone.  I am just looking for chemistry."  It was definitely more fun than I thought it would be, but my preconceived notions that quantity does no equal quality were verified.  Minus the 2 attractive friends that I brought with me, it was overall not the best of girls.  It reminded me that just meeting 14 girls doesn't mean that you will meet 14 dateable girls.

The redeeming thing that came out of the whole event was that I ended up getting the phone number of one of the coordinators for the event.  I thought of it like "ordering off the menu" and thinking outside the box.  She was definitely the most attractive girl there (brunette, white, with a nice smile) and seemed to laugh easily and was easy to talk to.  We'll see what happens but I am definitely intrigued.

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